Cacao is an ancient sacred plant medicine containing beneficial nutrients and is honoured with sacred rituals by indigenous tribes. A beautiful way to respect this is to hold a ceremony. Cacao ceremonies pay tribute to the ancient wisdom of the plant , sacred rituals and indigenous communities! Traditionally cacao ceremonies are held to open your heart space to yourselves and others and connect to the grounding energies of Pachamama (Mother Earth) It promotes a feeling of gratitude and serenity reconnecting to our roots! The medicine, known as the spirit of cacao can help us to reconnect with nature and the earth rhythms this helps us to remember our own natural rhythms and to learn to recognise them. This in return can be very beneficial for well being. The nutrients of the plant help to bring the vibrations of the body to equilibrium giving a warm and content feeling. It promotes a connection to self and reconnecting with your essence and also reconnecting with each other too!
The cacao is prepared using love and prayer in ritual blessing in appreciation and respect of ancient tribal wisdom and preparation of the plant medicine! A larger amount is used in ceremonies that daily beverage , this enhances the connection and benefits of the plant medicine. Best results it is best to drink on an empty stomach if possible! cacao is rich and nutritious and an empty stomach brings helps us to absorb more goodness and have a clear outlook .This provides clarity, vision, love and connection, calmness and enthusiasm for life. This can result in positive actions. candles and rose petals are placed to set a calming atmosphere! incense ,Sage , sweetgrass or Palo Santo is lit to clear any unwanted energies, this is called smudging. Small personal items such as pictures of loved ones ,pets , crystals, bits of nature, flowers, rocks anything that helps you feel connected to the earth and your heart space. This promotes a sense of love and connection. Traditionally the ceremonies are relaxed and open with traditional songs and music, drumming and chanting ending in meditation and ecstatic dance.
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