A great way to express yourself is though art! At Cacao expression I encourage you to draw or paint a small piece after each dance/movement session to express what you felt or released! There is no right or wrong way, you can scribble, mix colours, draw or paint a picture whatever is in you minds eye at the time is totally fine

Art in drawing and painting has been used for centuries as a therapeutic way to express what we feel and create what is in our minds eye! it is a great way to open and connect to our pineal gland or third eye where vision, intuition and wisdom lies. 

A chance to be creative and connect to your pleasure and joy or express any negativity is a productive and gentle way 

there will be paper, pencil crayons and paints available in a spacious , calm and friendly environment to express you creative talents or just make a big mess , it doesn't matter it is your piece to create how ever you want to ....see what you can do no judgement or expectations just expression in art



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